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Posts Tagged ‘retirement’

Best places to retire in the US

Best Places to Retire in the US

If you are getting closer to retirement age, you are, more likely, going to look at the most affordable places to live. Indeed, the state you currently live in may not meet the best criteria for affordable housing. This week we browse through ...

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Benefits of Downsizing for Retirement

Benefits of Downsizing for Retirement

51% of Older Workers Could Get $2,000 or Less from Retirement Savings was a recent headline from Motley Fool.* One of the solutions mentioned was downsizing for retirement.  Here is the takeaway:  Many older workers have too litt...

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How Long Can You Afford to Rent a Home

How long can you afford to rent a home?

There is a lot to unpack when asking how long you can afford to rent a home. Today we look at the pros and cons of renting a home versus buying a home. So, how long can you afford to rent a home if you are under 30? Here are 3 top things ...

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